The Walking Thread

[Content Note: Descriptions of violence. Spoilers are lurching around undeadly herein.]

image of Grimes Gang walking down a dusty road, being followed by zombies, to which I have added text reading: 'LOLOLOLOLOL WHO ARE THE ZOMBIES NOW'

Oh goddddddddd this show! Every time I think it has reached its nadir, it manages to scrape the bottom of the zombie stew well to dredge up a little more sludge.

When last we left our totally trepid band of zombie slayers, Tyreese had succumbed to the zombie fever (RIP Tyreese) and they'd decided, because Grimes said it after Michonne said it, that they'd make for D.C.

This episode opens with Maggie crying alone in the woods, and then having to kill a zombie, because a gal can't even have herself a good cry in the zombiepocalypse without some goddamn zombie interrupting her.

From there, the entire rest of the episode is just an unfathomably boring pastiche of scenes featuring various characters going through some shit. In case you didn't realize that surviving the zombiepocalypse was a difficult proposition. I would call this episode filler, but that would be an insult to filler.

Daryl digs up an earthworm and eats it. Sasha searches a riverbed for water, but finds only dead, dried-up frogs. Maggie, Daryl, and Sasha return to the road, where the rest of Grimes Gang sits dejectedly beside their van, which has run out of gas. Everyone is hungry and thirsty. They start walking.

Daryl and Carol veer off into the woods to search for food. (Have the writers of this show ever been in the woods before? Do you even know how many deer and rabbits there would be? Deer and rabbits breed like deer and rabbits!) Daryl and Carol have a Meaningful Conversation about how Daryl needs to feel his feelings. Carol gives him Beth's knife. (RIP Beth.)

Sasha is mad as hell and isn't going to take it anymore. She wants to kill all the zombies in sight, but Michonne tells her to save her energy. Sasha won't listen, and starts killing zombies, and Michonne yells at her.

Carl the Hat gives Maggie a dirty music box he found. Thanks, kid. It's broken, just like their spirits. SYMBOLISM.

Sgt. Redbull finds some booze and drinks it. Someone says it's only gonna make his thirst worse, and he ignores them, and Doctor Mulletsworth says, "He's a grown man." True that! Also true: No one is a grown enough woman to not have another member of Grimes Gang tell her what to do at all times.

Some other super dull crap happens. This isn't even character development. It's the equivalent of listening to a friend who refuses to take advice or make different decisions complain about the same thing zie's been complaining about for three years. LOOK I AM SORRY BUT MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE FOLLOWED GRIMES IN THE ASS-OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF THE GREAT LAKES REGION, OKAY?!

Some feral dogs run out of the woods and snarl at them. Sasha shoots them. Oh the humanity. Now they have something to eat.

Meaningful Conversations about the need to Keep Going.

Finally, on the brink of whatever, the skies open and rain pours down. They all open their mouths and turn them to the sky like a bunch of turkeys fixing to drown. Grimes shouts at them to use anything they can as a container to collect the rainwater. Because they are geniuses, they have basically nothing to use to collect rainwater, even though they've been talking about the very need for rain for a million miles of dusty, sunbaked road. Whooooooops!

When it rains it pours, so now a storm is rolling in, and they take shelter in a barn that Daryl found when he was off feeling his feelings. It's all great until a zombieclatch reaches the barn door and threatens to cave it in. Luckily, a bunch of trees fall and miss the barn but hit the zombies. WHAT LUCK!

Everyone goes to sleep and Daryl keeps watch. The next morning, he presents Maggie with the music box, and says he's repaired it. Just like their spirits have been repaired. SYMBOLISM.

Maggie wakes up Sasha to go look at the sunrise. She shows her the music box, but it doesn't play after all. SYMBOLISM. To SYMBOLIZE their conversation that they're not entirely sure how long they can keep doing this.

Some dude shows up in clean clothes and with a clean shave, and he asks to speak to their leader. "I have good news," he tells them, and the music box begins to play. SYMBOLISM, MOTHERFUCKERS!


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