This is a real thing in the world.

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

Actual Headline: "Do Dems have a women problem?"

Actual Subhead: "Powerful figures like Clinton and Pelosi may be scaring off good male candidates."

Actual Paragraphs from this Actual Piece of Shit Actually Published by USA Today:
...Democrats do have a gender problem — but it's not in the electorate, but at the party leadership level where two women have assumed dominant positions and have scared off serious male challengers.

Take Hillary Clinton and Rep. Nancy Pelosi. Both are towering and intimidating figures, who have sucked the oxygen out of the spheres they dominate.

...The one candidate who generates any enthusiasm at all as a challenger to Clinton, is another woman, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has repeatedly disavowed any interest in running.

...But that's a problem for Democrats. True, they have successfully promoted the candidacies of women, championed issues that appealed to women, and generally been rewarded with their support. But the very elevation of these extraordinary women has placed male Democrats in the position of being unwilling to challenge them.

...The advancement and championing of women has been a source of justifiable pride for Democrats since they put Geraldine Ferraro on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate in 1984. But their very success raises the question of whether it has saddled them with the burdens of political deference to women in leadership positions.

I could spend the rest of my day deconstructing this heap of garbage, but instead I'll just say this: No, powerful women are not scaring off good male candidates—because any man scared by strong women isn't a good candidate.

[H/T to Tom Watson.]

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