[Content Note: Injury.]
The most klutzy/funny way I have ever injured myself is...
...a couple of days ago, I was standing with my left hand on my hip and the tips of my fingers tucked into the waistband of my jeans. Suddenly a sneeze snuck up on me, and, in the manner of sneaky sneezes, it was a powerful one. I lurched forward as I sneezed, and my arm, still held in place by my tucked fingers, bent in a way that was just not natural at all, lol, pulling or twisting something in my elbow.
It's been aching for days, and last night Iain referred to it as my "sneezing injury," which made me laugh foreverrrrrrrrrrr.
I would like to say that's definitely the klutziest way I've ever injured myself, but it probably isn't. It's just the most recent dipshitty thing I've done to myself!
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