"I've made my decision—I'm out. I'm out of the Republican Party. I am not a Republican; I will not give a dime to the Republican Party. I'm out. I highly recommend—run from the Republican Party. They are not good. They ran and they said they were doing all of these great things and they were going to stand against Obamacare and illegal immigration—they set us up. They set us up. Enough is enough. They're torpedoing the Constitution and they're doing it knowingly. They're taking on people like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz and they are torpedoing them. Knowingly. So I'm done with them. Four years ago, I was with them. Four years ago, I said work from the inside: Let's change it. Let's get new guys in there. It's too late."—
Glenn Beck, on his radio show, pitifully caterwauling about how the Republican Party isn't conservative
I play the world's tiniest violin
for poor, poor Glenn Beck.
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