image of thumbs up & thumbs down Shaker Thumbs

Shaker Thumbs is your opportunity to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a product or service you have used and that you'd recommend to other Shakers or warn them away from.

Today I am giving a thumbs-up to True Blue Spa's Cracked Heel Treatment, which I got at Bath & Body Works.

image of my hand holding the container of ointment

I have the woooooorst heels on the planet, because I am barefoot all the time. At least, as often as I can be, which is most of the day, every day. I'm forever buffing and pumicing my heels, and slathering them with lotions and potions, but I still basically have hooves.

So I decided to give this a try, and it's already making a difference after two uses. It's definitely not going to give me baby smooth feet, but I don't expect it to, since I have no plans to change my barefoot ways, lol. But it's an improvement, which is for what I was hoping.

And for a price tag of $15, that's worth it.

Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!

Just to be abundantly clear, I am not affiliated in any way with Bath & Body Works, nor am I receiving any form of payment for recommending them. It's just a thing I've personally found super useful and am happy to recommend.

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