[Content Note: Misogyny.]
This morning, I saw on social media another article (or maybe it was the same one as last time; who can tell—they are all the fucking same) written by a cookie-seeking straight white man and addressed to women who don't know how powerful we are. Because he is a Good GuyTM, he wanted to make sure that we know we are powerful.
Okay. Thanks.
The thing is, I don't need men to tell me that I'm powerful. What I need is for men to listen to me when I tell them that I am.
Because, in my experience, even men who want all the cookies, so many cookies, for telling me how powerful I am (or smart, or deserving, or whatever), aren't especially inclined to listen to me saying the same thing about myself, no less demonstrating that power (or intellect, or knowledge I am deserving, or whatever).
In fact, sometimes those gents are the most resistant to displays of the very characteristics they want cookies for assuring me I have.
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