Hillary Sexism Watch, Part Wev in an Endless Series

[Content Note: Misogyny; ageism; cissexism; violence.]

Aphra_Behn just passed along this Washington Post article to me, and everything about it is fucking amazing (and that was sarcsm): "This is how GOP hopefuls want to take on Hillary Clinton."

Spoiler Alert: They want to use misogyny and ageism!

And, naturally, reporters Philip Rucker and Robert Costa are happy to help: "Rubio—who at 43 is young enough to be Clinton's son—called the 67-year-old Democrat "a leader from yesterday ... promising to take us back to yesterday."

Oh thank you, gentlemen, for pointing out that Clinton is old enough to be another candidate's mother, reminding us that she is a woman and that womanhood is defined by one's reproduction.

(Something you will never see in an equivalent article: "Rand Paul, who is young enough to be the actual son of a dipshit who just retired from never winning the Republican nomination...")

And speaking of reproduction, I was particularly fond of this gem:
"Some guys will take a sledgehammer towards her; others will use a stiletto," said David Carney, a veteran Republican consultant. "There will be lots of strategies in the back alleys as they figure out how to do it."
Back alleys, huh? I hope they don't run into any abortionists they've legislated into those back alleys during their strategy sessions!

I'll also never stop loving the use of violent rhetoric and imagery directed at Hillary Clinton, whether it's a Republican operative talking about using a sledgehammer (or a stiletto) to take her out, or Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman discussing the need for a superdelegate to "take [Clinton] into a room and only he comes out."

The refrain is always the same: Clinton mustn't just lose; she must be annihilated to her very death.

The article goes on to inform us that Mike Huckabee, always a rebel, has a pretty unique plan to destroy Hillary Clinton:
"Who can effectively attack Hillary Clinton without coming across as a jerk?" asked Hogan Gidley, a Huckabee adviser. "Mike Huckabee has that ability; he has that winsomeness."
Okay, first of all, did the Koch Bros. order up a big plate of winsomeness this election or what? Because Santorum was just promising to be "winsome" a few weeks ago. The hell?

Secondly, this is obviously a terrific strategy, because nothing says "winsome" like forcible pregnancy and rank homophobia.


The election is fully a year and a half away, and I am already exhausted.

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