I Can Get on Board with This

[Content Note: Scatological humor.]

Unfortunately, I didn't see this until after April Fools' Day, but our old pal Flula has a great suggestion for how to exponentially improve the shittiest holiday of the year, and I am definitely on board and prepared to put this into effect next year on April 1st!

Flula, a young, thin, white man wearing a blue stocking cap and a purple t-shirt, speaks in German-accented English directly to the camera:

Boom! Hey, guys—it's Flula! How are you? I hope you are great! Guess what is me? I'm perhaps not so great, because a holiday is here that is here and it is called the April Fools' Day. I don't understand this "holiday"—Number One: It is no holiday; I see peoples working. Number Two: Why are we doing this?


It seems just like rude—a rude time! People are saying things all the time, like: [mimes conversation between two people]

"Hey how are you?"

"I am good."

"Guess it what! I have five legs and an eye on my shoe!"

"Oh, really?"

"No! April Fools'! You are stupid! I did it!"

[makes face at camera]

This is a rude time! I would like to take it back this holiday. No more April Fools' Day; we make it April Cools Day. Because everyone is cool on this day. [serious face; mimes another conversation]

"Hey, man! I like your shoes and also your hair!"

"Oh, really?"

"APRIL COOLS! You're cool!"

"Oh, thank you, man!" [makes 'see?' expression; mimes another conversation]

"Hey, you! I like your career decisions, and also you have a nice job, and also your resume has no spelling errors!"



[makes an impressed face]

That sound like a nice time! I should wish all my friends and Hamburgers an April Cools Day. APRIL COOLS DAY! Spread it like a virus!

And if you don't do it, I shall poopoo on your house. [long pause]


Thank you for watching. Please spread it now April Cools Day to all of your friends and home-dudes and -ladies.

If you'd like to see more films and videos from me, Flula, please click it. [points to subscriber info which has appeared on screen] Subscribe it in the place! Subscribe it! Or would you like some more videos of my face and my body? [points to an inset video which has appeared on screen] Ohhhhhh! Or would you like to see me saying the word schnudel schniedel! 500 times? Then click here! [points to an inset video which has appeared on screen] Peace out! [pretends to fist-bump the camera] Boom!

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