Nope. Noooooo. NOPE.

Fox is doing the Time Warp: EW has learned the broadcaster will make a new TV version of the 40-year-old iconic film The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

The musical midnight movie classic is getting a small-screen modern-day makeover. Only unlike NBC's prime-time musicals and Fox's own upcoming Grease, the Rocky Horror reboot will not be live.

The two-hour event will be directed, executive produced, and choreographed by Kenny Ortega (Xanadu, High School Musical) with original film producer Lou Adler as well as Gail Berman also on board. There's no new writer credited, however, since Fox plans to stick to the text of the original 1973 play by Jim Sharman and Richard O'Brien.
If there's no new script, then WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF A TV REMAKE? Just air the original film and be done with it!

Just no.

There is only one Dr. Frank-N-Furter, and his name is Tim Curry the end.

image of Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in Rocky Horror Picture Show

Note: I fully recognize that Rocky Horror is full of questionable or outright objectionable garbage, and it's on my Problematic Things I Like list big time. I'm definitely one of the millions of weirdos for whom this incredible, exhilarating, fucked-up, glorious, grotesque movie was, at one time, truly life-changing.

And, truthfully, all the problems with it are also a pretty strong argument against remaking it.

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