The debates will be sponsored by a combination of state Democratic parties, national and local media companies and civic organizations. Each of the early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina will host a DNC debate.What are those sanctions? Who knows! I'm sure they're great, though! Because everything about US presidential politics is the greatest!
DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in a statement that the debates should "give voters ample opportunity to see candidates side-by-side, while remaining manageable for all of the candidates."
The committee says that the schedule of six debates "is consistent with the precedent set" in 2004 and 2008, but this year, the DNC is also implementing an exclusivity requirement, requiring any candidate or debate sponsor interested in participating to do so exclusively, that is, to respect the sanctions set by the DNC.
Democratic Debate Schedule Announced
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and whoever else decides to throw their chapeau into the ring with them will debate it out at six primary debates beginning this fall, as decided by the Democratic National Committee.
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