Jeb Bush is very smart and very decent and here he is just proving that he is definitely absolutely for sure the best candidate for US president the world has ever known:
"The climate is changing. I don't think the science is clear on what percentage is man-made and what percentage is natural. It's convoluted," he told roughly 150 people at a house party [in New Hampshire] Wednesday night. "And for the people to say the science is decided on this is just really arrogant, to be honest with you. It's this intellectual arrogance that now you can't have a conversation about it even."If there's one thing I always say I'm looking for in a presidential candidate, it's an ability to sound exactly like a disgruntled commenter who bitterly complains about being censored when they are clearly not being censored, just because a majority disagrees with them and tells them that they are wrong.
Jeb Bush is a highly sophisticated and well-funded troll, which is why I am holding my $10,000 a plate fundraiser for him under a bridge at dusk.
The issue of climate change came up as the host of the house party asked Bush to comment on a speech given Wednesday by President Obama, who said that climate change is a "serious threat" to national security.Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! He went on to describe the Republican Party as "the party of discovery, the party of science, the party of innovation." GOOD ONE! Is this guy running for president or Last Comic Standing?!
"Climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security," Obama told Coast Guard graduates in their dress white uniforms at the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut, "and, make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. And so we need to act—and we need to act now."
In response, Bush said that climate change should be just "part of, a small part of prioritization of our foreign policy." He suggested that the United States should encourage countries that have higher carbon emissions rates to reduce them.
But, he added, "We've had a pretty significant decrease and we'll continue on, not because of Barack Obama, but because of the energy revolution."
See also: Steve Benen.
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