Quote of the Day
[Content Note: Termination of a wanted pregnancy; description of abortion.]
"In that moment, I had to shift my thinking. I was hoping for special ed, and had been focusing on questions like: How much should you save to know your special-needs daughter will be okay after you die? I was thinking about long-term care and mild to moderate disability. Instead, I had to think about a baby who was probably not going to live very long, and the longer she lived, the more pain she would be in. That realization—that I was more scared of her living than of her dying—is what made the choice for me. ...The risks that I was willing to take to let this baby go in peace, in the way I believed she deserved—it's terrifying."—Kate, a 29-year-old woman outside Boston, who terminated a wanted pregnancy in its eighth month, telling her story in order to answer that shitty, judgmental rhetorical: "What Kind of Mother Is 8 Months Pregnant and Wants an Abortion?"
[H/T to Mary D.]
"In that moment, I had to shift my thinking. I was hoping for special ed, and had been focusing on questions like: How much should you save to know your special-needs daughter will be okay after you die? I was thinking about long-term care and mild to moderate disability. Instead, I had to think about a baby who was probably not going to live very long, and the longer she lived, the more pain she would be in. That realization—that I was more scared of her living than of her dying—is what made the choice for me. ...The risks that I was willing to take to let this baby go in peace, in the way I believed she deserved—it's terrifying."—Kate, a 29-year-old woman outside Boston, who terminated a wanted pregnancy in its eighth month, telling her story in order to answer that shitty, judgmental rhetorical: "What Kind of Mother Is 8 Months Pregnant and Wants an Abortion?"
[H/T to Mary D.]
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