Research Confirms What Fat People Have Been Saying

[Content Note: Fat hatred; food policing; diet talk; disordered eating.]

This is a pretty terrific interview with Traci Mann, "who teaches psychology at the University of Minnesota and has been studying eating habits, self-control and dieting for more than 20 the University of Minnesota's Health and Eating Lab," and who has a newly published book titled Secrets from the Eating Lab, in which she explains why diets don't work for the vast majority of people long-term.

And, again, it's another situation in which research has simply confirmed what many of the people being researched have been saying about their own lived experiences for a very long time, so, hey, maybe we could have just listened to them and treated them as authorities on their own lives, but, okay, since lots of people refuse to do that, it's great to have Official Science to which to point, saying the same thing.

Which essentially boils down to this: People have natural body diversity; dieting fundamentally changes your body; the issue is not as simple as "willpower."

[Related Reading: "No one wants to be fat."]

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