Republican South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has called on lawmakers in the state legislature to remove the Confederate flag that still flies over the state capitol.
"It's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds," Haley, a Republican, told reporters. The flag was a symbol of the pro-slavery South during the U.S. Civil War. "This is a moment in which we can say that the flag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state."She couldn't even be bothered to say that the thing is a racist symbol. Which has nonetheless not stopped members of her party from celebrating her courage.
The thing is, it's not really "brave" to take down a flag that never should have been flying in the first place.
I see what Haley is doing as approximately as "brave" as when I clean up cat vomit. You're supposed to clean up gross messes in your home.
I'm glad the fucking thing is coming down, provided a majority in the South Carolina legislature vote to take it down. But let's not pretend that it's a Great Leadership moment, when it took 150 years of fluttering insult, and nine deaths in the last week at the hands of one of the many white people to embrace that contemptible symbol of white supremacy, to pull it off the flagpole.
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