Stunning, in Every Sense of the Word

[Content Note: Shark.]

Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, director-general of Pelagios-Kakunjá, a non-profit organization dedicated to the study of migratory marine species in the Mexican Pacific, posted the below video to his Facebook page earlier this week. Filmed in the waters off Mexico's Guadalupe Island about 250 miles south of San Diego, the video shows Mauricio in a shark cage being circled by a female Great White shark, which he describes as "the biggest white shark ever seen in front of the cages in Guadalupe Island."

Deep Blue, as she's called, is estimated to be around 50 years old and more than 20 feet long, and she is an absolute beauty.

Video Description: A male diver in a shark cage is seen underwater; beside him is an enormous Great White shark, who opens her massive mouth to investigate the cage. As she swims by, the diver reaches out and high-fives her fin. She is just colossal, and he looks tiny beside her. She slowly circles around the cage, drifting lazily, not the least bit aggressive. The diver watches her. She swims gracefully around and then away, beginning to disappear into the murky water.

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