The Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by rain, rain, and more rain.

Recommended Reading:

Jessica: [Content Note: War on agency] Roberts Court Refuses to Hear North Carolina Forced Ultrasound Case

Jenn: [CN: Appropriation; transphobia] Melissa Harris-Perry Asks If Rachel Dolezal Is Actually Black

Lisa Marie: [CN: Appropriation; racism] Transracial Lives Matter: Rachel Dolezal and the Privilege of Racial Manipulation

Ragen: [CN: Fat bias] Everyone Should Have Expected What Happened Next

Laura: [CN: Transphobia; homophobia; violence] Transgender People Are at the Center of a Brutal Crackdown on LGBT Egyptians

Teresa: Sony Promises "Girl-Centric" Ghostbusters Merchandise to Coincide with Paul Feig Reboot

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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