The thing I love most about covering presidential elections is how, every single time, there's a whole new crop of shitlords screaming at me that I don't understand how politics works.
And, inevitably, the "You don't understand how politics works, dummy!" refrain is launched in response to my criticizing Politics As Usual.
Especially when I push back on the idea that Democratic candidates don't have to earn marginalized people's votes, but are entitled to them. (Because where the hell else are we gonna go?)
Cool argument! Super progressive!
Please continue to misconstrue as my ignorance about how politics works what is in actual fact simply my unwillingness to share your profoundly unprogressive belief that how politics works is immutable and cannot be made better. Alienating marginalized people who advocate to be heard by shouting at us that we are stupid has always worked out great for progressive organizing! KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK. You are definitely showing you totally understand how politics works.
Unlike me.
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