Rick Santorum: Terrible Forever

[Content Note: Heterocentrism; homophobia; Christian Supremacy.]

Former Senator, current sweatervest aficionado, and 1/16th of the Republican Nightmare Presidential Contingent Rick Santorum is a world-renowned homophobic and Christian Supremacist shitlord, and here is another perfect example of how he developed his sterling reputation for being the fucking worst:
I know in the schools in Massachusetts, in the grade school, they teach these books and plays that say, 'Suzy has two moms.' It's okay to put a book that says, 'Suzy has two moms,' but you can't put a book in there about moms and dads and marriage and tell people how important it is to be married before you have children. Then you're moralizing. It's okay to say, 'Suzy has two moms,' or 'Johnny has two dads,' but you can't say marriage is an important part of having a stable and healthy economy…

First of all, there are no books about anything being "an important part of having a stable and healthy economy" in grade school, sir. What are you even talking about?

Secondly, these two things are not like the other: "Suzy has two moms" is a fact. A fact that communicates to children who might only be aware of different-sex parents that same-sex parents exist, and that communicates to children who have same-sex parents that their families are visible and valued. On the other hand, "Suzy has a mom and a dad who got married before Suzy was born and that is important because Jesus" is not a fact. It is a moral position.

So, yes, Rick Santorum: Facts are not moralizing. And moralizing is moralizing. Funny how that works.

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