[Content Note: Illness.]
My apologies for being AWOL this morning, Shakers.
I spent the night in the ER, again, for what seems to be more complications from this mysterious autoimmune disorder. I'm having the same symptoms as before—faintness, dizziness, facial numbness, tremors—but over the past couple of weeks they've gotten worse.
I went through another battery of tests, and I've got a follow-up later today, with more tests to come.
So I'm taking today and tomorrow off, at least, and I'll keep you posted. It peaks and ebbs, at least it has in the past, so I'm hopeful that I'll reach another ebb soon and can get back to work.
I wish I had more concrete information. The worst part about this is feeling so rotten, feeling like something is so wrong, and not knowing why. It's tremendously scary.
In good news: Everyone at the ER was so nice. I just had the best care I could have asked for. Not a single person suggested any of this has anything to do with my weight. I have spoken to so many other folks with mysterious autoimmune disorders who have had to fight to be taken seriously, and I didn't experience that last night at all. Everyone with whom I interacted, including and especially my doctor, was extremely sensitive and present and focused on trying to figure this thing out.
I couldn't be more grateful to have received such awesome care in such a scary situation.
And, naturally, Iain is a champion.
I'll be back as soon as I can, and I'm so sorry for this interruption.
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