They started out huddled together, Zelly underneath Dudley, which is a pretty common treat-consuming formation.
Dudley luxuriates in ice cream: He licks it soooooo slowly, savoring every delicious morsel.
Sitting on the back porch, I offered to hold the cup for him so he wouldn't have to bend over, but he was having none of it. ON THE GROUND, MA'AM.
Meanwhile, Zelly had pushed her cup straight under Dudley, between my feet, and halfway under the porch stair on which I was sitting. She picked it up in her mouth, carried it a few feet away to the grass, where it wouldn't slide, and continued to make sweet love to it, even long after all the custard was gone.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm custard.
They are too hilarious and TOO CUTE!!!
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