Good Monday to You!

How about a video of two raccoon brothers named Willie and Waylon on an adventure in a pool?

Video Description: Two raccoons are seen at the edge of a backyard in-ground pool. As one (Willie) begins to venture in, the other (Waylon) sits on the edge, reaching for his brother anxiously. Willie waves him off, and turns toward the water and gently glides in. Waylon reaches out, but Willie swims away confidently. He does a small circle and comes back; as he gets closer to Waylon again, Waylon reaches for him. "All right, that's enough of that!" he seems to communicate. He touches Willie's face and fusses with his wet fur. From off camera, a seemingly male voice asks, "Is Willie or Waylon in the pool?" From behind the camera, a seemingly female voice replies, "Willie." "Swimming?" "Yeah. Waylon's trying to save him." Willie swims around a bit more, and Waylon continues to reach for him. Willie is swimming literally maybe a foot from the stairs, lol, but Waylon DOES NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT! He grabs Willie's tail from the water and begins to groom it, then reaches and pulls Willie out of the water (although Willie was getting out anyway). They walk away and investigate a toy.

[H/T to Spudsy, who saw it at io9.]

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