The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by seagulls.

Recommended Reading:

Miriam and Akiba: [Content Note: Racism; displacement; violence] INFOGRAPHIC: Race and Recovery 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina

Sesali: [CN: Fat hatred] Is "Confident" the New "Pretty for a Fat Girl"?

Feminist Aspie: [CN: Disablism] Expectations, Expectations Everywhere!

Aja: Adult Women Are Now the Largest Demographic in Gaming

Squinky: A Nonbinary Actor Playing a Nonbinary Character

Atrios: Why Is Lindsey Graham Always on My Teevee?

Veronica: [CN: Discussion of the beauty standard] Should Feminist Parents Tell Their Daughters They Are Beautiful?

Jessica: [CN: Misogyny] Star Wars Preaches Some Truth on Facebook About Female Armor

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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