Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list of all the MAGICAL WONDERS that would happen if Tom Hardy were driving the dog train. I couldn't possibly conceive of all of them on my own! I AM ONLY ONE HUMAN WOMAN. Please head to comments to help me with the monumental and delightful task of imagining the possibilities!
Imagine the Possibilities!
In yesterday's In the News, I mentioned the DOG TRAIN, which is obviously the greatest, and this morning I had a thought that I felt was important to share:
Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list of all the MAGICAL WONDERS that would happen if Tom Hardy were driving the dog train. I couldn't possibly conceive of all of them on my own! I AM ONLY ONE HUMAN WOMAN. Please head to comments to help me with the monumental and delightful task of imagining the possibilities!
Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list of all the MAGICAL WONDERS that would happen if Tom Hardy were driving the dog train. I couldn't possibly conceive of all of them on my own! I AM ONLY ONE HUMAN WOMAN. Please head to comments to help me with the monumental and delightful task of imagining the possibilities!
Tom Hardy
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