
[Content Note: Christian Supremacy. Emails shared with permission.]

Aphra_Behn: Did you see this? [Link goes to story about an irreligious woman who was required by the court to attend counseling sessions to retain custody of her children, and the counselor turned out to be an aggressive Christian.] This is why I really hate all of these Christian conversion programs across the country getting treated by the media like they're some kind of actual therapy. It just legitimizes this oppressive shit. If Josh Duggar wants to check himself into Jesus camp for his asshole problem "pr0n addiction," that's fine, but the state has no business mandating that crap as "therapy."

Liss: Omg FUCK THIS. Even as jaded as I am, it's difficult to believe this shit happens in this country in the year of our lord Jesus Jones two thousand and fifteen.

Aphra_Behn: Well, it's all right. I've alerted Mike Huckabee. I'm sure he'll be standing up for the patient's right to freedom FROM religion, AHEM.

Liss: Haha I'm sure he'll get RIGHT ON THAT!

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