[Content Note: Bigotry; video may autoplay at link.]
"I'm not interested in the back and forth to be a member or part of his freak show."—Senator Marco Rubio, on Donald Trump and his trash-talking about Rubio.
Rubio is merely the latest, and most brazen, of Republicans to talk about Trump as though he and his fetid campaign exist somehow outside the Republican mainstream, instead of being the uncensored id of their disgusting party that he really is.
As if Rubio doesn't know the truth about his party. Of course he does. Every single time he dogwhistles "tradition" or "values" to his base, he's evoking that truth. He, like Governor Bobby Jindal, is just mad that Trump has the spine and the indecency to be straightforward about what that truth really is.
If Rubio, Jindal, or any of their other fellow candidates for the US presidency are really operating under the misapprehension that their base isn't voting for them because of fear, hatred, and bigotry, but because of smaller government and lower taxes, then they are too fucking ignorant to be trusted to tie their own shoes, no less elected to lead the nation.
To be clear, I don't think a single one of them has any illusions about who their base really is. My point is just that there's no good reason for Rubio to be playing this distancing game. Either he's mendacious or he's a fool.
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