Marisa Kabas: "With 'no hymen, no diamond' mantra, men's rights activists hunt for the perfect virgin."
These men are the absolute fucking worst. There aren't enough hours in the day to detail everything that is wrong with these slut-shaming objectifiers.
I have but only one comment, in response to this nonsense:
"Some women admitted to me that they lie about their sexual history to avoid being judged and shamed," Leora Tanenbaum, author of I Am Not a Slut: Slut-Shaming in the Age of the Internet, told the Daily Dot. "They are right to be concerned, since many men make relationship decisions based on the number of the woman they are interested in."Listen, I don't tend to dispense unsolicited or blanket relationship advice, but if any person's "standards" require you to lie about who you are in order to meet with their approval, turn tail and run like the wind and never look back.
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