TV Corner: So You Think You Can Dance

[Content Note: Spoilers for last night's episode of So You Think You Can Dance.]

Sorry I've missed the past couple of weeks, SYTYCD fans! I'm all caught up now, right in time for next week's finale!

I thought last night's episode was good, although I felt it was yet another night where the judges held the dancers responsible for lackluster choreography. I don't know why they're so reluctant to just say "the choreography wasn't great and didn't challenge you enough to live up to your talent." Because it's obvious that's what they mean, but they won't say it to spare the choreographers' feelings—even though that ostensible sensitivity obviously comes at the expense of the dancers' feelings.

I was glad Paula called out the choreographers' uninspired music choice on the final number with Jaja and Virgil, because YES. But even that was far too gentle. Listen, if the judges are going to brag about the choreographers when they get nominated for Emmys, then they should be willing to criticize the choreographers when they fail the dancers.

It also seems like, every season, there's one dancer whose performances get critiques that always make me think, "Were we watching the same performance?" This season, that's Megz. I really loved her routine with Joshua last night, even though the judges were fairly unenthusiastic about it.

Video Description: Megz, a young Latina hip hop dancer, and all-star Joshua, a young black man, perform a hip hop routine choreographed by Christopher Scott and set to "Freedom" by Pharrell Williams.

I also really enjoyed [CN: video autoplays at link] Megz' routine with Hailee.

All the solos were terrific last night, with [CN: videos autoplay at link] Jim's solo and Jaja's solo being particular stand-outs for me. (Jim's solo last week was even better!) And my favorite duo of the night was probably Virgil and all-star Melanie.

Video Description: Virgil, a young black male hiphop dancer, and all-star Melanie, a young white woman, perform a contemporary routine choreographed by Justin Giles and set to "All Is Now Harmed" by Ben Howard.

Were you surprised by the final four? I wasn't surprised that Megz went home, because that pasodoble last week was rough. But I was surprised that Jim went home; I expected Hailee to be sent home. Not that she doesn't deserve to be in the final four! But so does Gaby, who is probably my favorite! It was a tight one for sure, but I was still surprised that Jim went home.

What did you think?

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