Anti-choicers never cease to amaze me with the quality of their garbage rhetoric:
The guest on today's edition of the "WallBuilders Live" radio program was Carol Everett, who reportedly spent several years "selling abortions to other women" before renouncing legal abortion and opening an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy center in Texas.That's quite an interesting calculation! If a man sleeps with multiple women, it's "almost like rape." Except for how it's totally not at all like rape, if all these adults are consenting partners who have defined boundaries around their sexual relationships.
..."Everything [Planned Parenthood is] doing is destructive," she said, which prompted host Rick Green to go off on a tangent about how Planned Parenthood now allegedly also promotes thing like polyamory and open relationships, which is destroying not only people's hearts and minds but entire communities.
"It's sick," Everett agreed. "It breaks down all those natural barriers that we're supposed to have. Think about this: one woman sleeping with a man and she knows this woman living here sleeps with him, too, how does she feel about that woman? That is not a relationship that fosters anything kind. And how does she feel about him? That, in my mind, is almost like rape when you're just having sex with two or three different women. It's just, what are you doing? It is a sick thing and the only thing that can help us recover is Jesus."
And note how Everett conveniently writes out these hypothetical women's agency from the equation. It quickly goes from a "woman sleeping with a man" to a man "having sex with two or three different women." Just having sex with them. As if they aren't independent actors and meaningful participants.
Color me unsurprised that an anti-choice asshole doesn't care about women's agency in the bedroom any more than they care about women's agency in her reproductive decisions.
I find it utterly contemptible that anti-abortion scoundrels will casually compare virtually every aspect of sexuality and reproductive choice to rape, except for actual rape, which is just a misunderstanding between a slut and a good boy who made a mistake.
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