Budgetfu@# 2015!

New York Times: Congress and White House Near Deal on Budget.
Congressional leaders and the Obama administration are close to a crucial budget deal that would modestly increase domestic spending over the next two years and raise the federal borrowing limit. The accord would avert a potentially cataclysmic default on the government's debt and dispense with perhaps the most divisive issue in Washington just days before Speaker John A. Boehner is expected to turn over his gavel to Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin.

While congressional aides cautioned that the deal was far from certain, and the Treasury Department declined to comment, officials briefed on the negotiations said the emerging accord would call for cuts in spending on Medicare and Social Security disability benefits.
Rank-and-file House Republicans, in particular, have been resistant to authorizing an increase in the debt limit without some accompanying adjustments to mandatory federal spending programs.
And because tax increases just aren't even considered a possibility anymore, apparently by either party, Congress is looking to offset spending by further decimating the social safety net, a concession Democrats are willing to make to stop the Republicans from holding the entire country hostage again.

I don't even know what to say anymore. We are so fucked.

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