Quote of the Day
"one hundred trillion neutrinos pass through each of us every second, yet we cannot feel them with sensual registers already discovered. there are things so very small, so small that even the word 'small' is too imprecise. yet. we are, likewise, so minuscule. we are so very tiny in comparison to the expanse of the universe. ...isn't it beautiful that something as small as we can experience such feelingly big emotions like joy and happiness and peace and love? and isn't it beautiful that we that are so small can experience loss and grief and heartache from those lived who have passed on and away? isn't it beautiful that the smell of earth and flowers and the taste of good food can move us deeply? and yet such things are nothing…? not nothing to us who experience such things, but nothing in terms of the great expanse of space-time, the great expanse of other worlds? beautiful."—Ashon Crawley, a beautiful writer and a neat person, who challenges me in all the best ways, to expect more of myself.
something beautiful
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