[Content Note: Guns.]
"I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away."—Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, during a Facebook Q&A on Monday.
More devastating to whom, Doctor?
As Shaker Westsidebecca noted in comments, Carson has been on quite a tear with the pro-gun rhetoric in the wake of the UCC shooting, but the above quote is truly gobsmacking to me.
And once more I will note that there is zero legislation, absolutely none, proposing "taking the right to arm ourselves away." Even the most radical gun reform being proposed in Washington does not come close to repealing the Second Amendment. That is hyperbolic and mendacious fearmongering, being peddled by people who are breathtakingly indifferent to victims of gun violence, even as they crow about the "sanctity of life" every time the subject of reproductive rights is mentioned within a ten-mile radius of a microphone.
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