Liss and Ana Talk About Stuff

[Content Note: Privilege. This is a conversation Ana Mardoll and I had on Twitter last night, which I am reproducing here with her permission.]

Ana: Welp: "The Hobbit movies were awful, and now we know why: I was pretty surprised when Peter Jackson took over from Guillermo del Toro to make the Hobbit trilogy, and [they were a mess]. In what can only be described as the most honest promotional video of all time, we find out why: the movies were made completely on the fly, without a script or nearly any advanced planning. …[T]hings got so bad that when they started shooting the titular Battle of Five Armies itself they were essentially just shooting B-roll: footage of people in costumes waving around swords, without any cohesive plan for how the sequence would actually play out. (A choice Jackson quote: 'I didn't know what the hell I was doing.')"

Liss: You know how people who aren't straight white cis men are just given hundreds of millions of dollars to dick around with.

Ana: Right? But we can't let NOT white cis dudes direct films because they haven't proved themselves!!

Liss: And then everyone thinks it's charming when they're all haha I didn't even know what I was doing! "Here, have one of the most coveted properties in all of filmdom. Just have fun! If you fuck it up, we'll promote the DVD w/ it!"

Ana: It'll be hilarious! We'll all look back and laugh from atop the pile of money we made!

Liss: #SmauginItUp #blessed

Ana: I'm dying laughing.

Liss: LOL

Ana: You're a lady and you just don't understand his vision!

Liss: I have been failing to understand straight white dudes' lack of vision for 41 years and counting.

Ana: Maybe you should smile more and make them cookies just a thought ;)

image of me eating a cookie



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