Manclaiming, Part Wev

[Content Note: Male-centrism.]

What's the perfect accessory to go with your man bun? Why, it's the man cape, of course!
Every once in a while, an invention is thrust upon the earth SO great that the entire course of history is changed unalterably forever.

Gentlemen... behold, the man cape.
image of a thin young white blond man wearing a grey cape
I bet it's fun to manscape while wearing your man cape!

The strangest thing to me about this particular iteration of manclaiming is that, if you asked a million people to name someone who wears a cape, I'd wager that a significant majority of them would name either a male superhero (Superman, Batman, Thor) or a male dark character (Count Dracula, Darth Vader) or a male fantasy hero (Aragorn, any number of knight characters), rather than a caped woman.

But it's typically women who wear "fashion" capes on the street, so BETTER MANCLAIM IT.

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