
[Content Note: Misogyny; disablism; antisemitism.]

Meanwhile, Carly Fiorina's fellow GOP candidate and gold toilet aficionado Donald Trump launched a gross attack on Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in the midst of a conversation about the national parties and debate negotiations:
On the Democratic side, Trump said, "[y]ou have this crazy Wasserman Schultz — Deborah Wasserman Schultz — who is in there, a highly neurotic woman."

"This is a woman that is a terrible person. I watch her on television. She's a terrible person," Trump continued. "And in all fairness, she negotiated a great deal for Hillary because they gave Hillary all softballs."
Leaving aside his absurd contention that Hillary Clinton got nothing but "softball" questions during the last debate, I just want to deal with how Trump once again cannot say anything about a woman without making it a personal attack. She is "crazy" and "highly neurotic"—specifically a "highly neurotic woman"—which is not only a gendered attack that's an obvious variation on hysterical, but is also nakedly disablist.

What might be less obvious to lots of folks is the antisemitic dogwhistle of calling Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is the first Jewish female congressperson from the state of Florida, "neurotic," which invokes a stereotype of Jewish people—especially in Trump's home of New York City—as high-strung, hypochondriacal neurotics with their analysts on speed-dial.

The people to whom that dogwhistle is directed will hear it loud and clear.

I hear you, too, Donald Trump. You contemptible nightmare.

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