Nous avons des fleurs.

[Content Note: Terrorism.]

Oh my heart:

[If the video is removed from YouTube, you can view it here.]
Video Description: A French man who is racially API crouches down on a street near a memorial with his tiny son balanced on his knee. A reporter, who appears to be white, interviews them with a large microphone. They speak in French; the video has English subtitles.

Reporter, to the child: Do you understand what happened? Do you understand why those people did that?

Little Boy: Yes, because they're really, really mean. Bad guys are not very nice. And we have to be really careful, because we have to change houses.

Father, stroking his son's head: Oh no, don't worry. We don't need to move out. France is our home.

Little Boy: But there's bad guys, Daddy.

Father: Yes, but there's bad guys everywhere.

Little Boy: They have guns; they can shoot us because they're really, really mean, Daddy.

Father: It's okay. They might have guns, but we have flowers.

Little Boy: But flowers don't do anything. They're for—they're for...

Father, gesturing to memorial: Of course they do. Look, everyone is putting flowers.

Little Boy, looking at memorial: Yes?

Father: It's to fight against guns.

Little Boy: It's to protect?

Father: Exactly.

Little Boy: And the candles, too?

Father: It's to remember the people who are gone yesterday.

Little Boy: Ahh. The flowers and the candles are here to protect us.

Father: Yes.

They smile at each other.

Reporter, to the child: Do you feel better now?

Little Boy: Yes, I feel better.
image of the Paris memorial, to which I've added text reading 'They might have guns, but we have flowers.'

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