Todd: Give me something that you think you can do in the next six months, some—one issue, one piece of—I agree, Speaker Ryan! You do owe us a very specific agenda for how your party would do things differently. SO WHERE IS IT?
Ryan: Well, we can do more than just one thing.
Todd: I understand. But give me one thing that the country will be impressed with, that will— Something— Maybe you work with the president, maybe you confront him. But what is one big piece?
Ryan: The economy— Working families are falling behind. The economy is stale. Poverty— There are about, around 46 million people still living in poverty. Our foreign policy is a disaster. We've got to offer alternatives to these things. Obamacare— I mean, look at the disaster that the rollout of Obamacare is continuing to be. I think we owe the American people a very specific agenda for how we would do things differently on these issues.
I mean, this was the softest of all softball questions. Name one proposal you're going to pursue in the next six months. And instead he gives a rambling answer about how the Democrats' policies are crap. THAT ISN'T A POLICY, SIR.
The Republican candidates crumble under questions they don't like from CNBC and their Speaker crumbles under a softball from Chuck freaking Todd, and they wonder why they can't derail the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, who sat for 11 hours answering garbage questions during the Benghazi hearing, and was a model of dignity, composure, and competency.
Good grief.
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