[Content Note: Sexual violence; misogynoir; police brutality.]
"The lack of mass media coverage of the investigation of and trial for Holtzclaw emerges from the unique intersection of racism and sexism in the lives of black women. Historically and contemporarily, the victimization of black women in the U.S. through sexual and other forms of violence does not incite a widespread call to action. With the notable exception of black women bloggers, journalists, and scholars documenting the investigation and the trial as well as a handful of news outlets covering the basic details of the case, there has been a deafening silence around a demand for justice for the black women who came forward. There is no nationally trending hashtag conveying the gravity of crimes allegedly committed by Holtzclaw while on duty. [There] is, however, "A Justice For Daniel Holtzclaw" Facebook page that attracts new likes and followers every day. Where is the uproar?"—Treva Lindsey, in a must-read piece: "The Rape Trial Everyone in America Should Be Watching."
[Previous Holtzclaw: Today in Rape Culture; Lying, Racist Cops.]
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