President Obama: These are the same folks often times who've suggested that they're so tough that, uh, just talkin' to Putin or staring down ISIL or using some additional rhetoric somehow's gonna solve the problems out there. But apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion. First they were worried about the press being too tough on 'em during debates; now they're worried about three-year-old orphans. That doesn't sound very tough to me.Obama preceded these comments by saying: "We are not well served when, in response to a terrorist attack, we descend into fear and panic. We don't make good decisions if it's based on hysteria or an exaggeration of risks. When individuals say we should have a religious test, and that only Christians, proven Christians, should be admitted, that's offensive. I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that's been coming out of here in the course of this debate. ISIL seeks to exploit the idea that there's war between Islam and the West, and when you start seeing individuals in positions of responsibility suggesting Christians are more worthy of protection than Muslims who are in a war-torn land, that feeds the ISIL narrative. It's counterproductive. And it needs to stop."
[edit] They've been playing on fear in order to try to score political points. Or to advance their [inaudible due to audio glitch]. And it's irresponsible. And it's contrary to who we are. And it needs to stop, because the world is watching.
Fuck yeah. Thank you, Mr. President.
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