[Content Note: Homophobia; transphobia.]
Hillary Clinton has released a new factsheet, "Fighting for Full Equality for LGBT People," detailing her six-point plan for extending queer rights beyond Obergefell.
Though there are some things I wish I'd seen, like some detail in the section on transgender prisoners regarding appropriate housing, there's a lot of good stuff there. (I don't fail to appreciate the magnitude of the fact that I even have the opportunity to nitpick a section on trans prisoner rights on a presidential campaign website.) There was stuff I didn't expect to see and was pleased to see, like addressing the specific needs of LGBT elders.
Because of her delayed support for same-sex marriage, Clinton has a reputation of being a Janie Come Lately on LGBTQIA rights, but this isn't the document of someone who's brand new. Once again, I'll note that Clinton was the only candidate in 2008 who promised to make global LGBT rights an active "part of American foreign policy."
She's been thinking about some of this stuff for a long time, and it shows.
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