On Tuesday, I opened a thread for us to share the bits of our lives that aren't perfect. Here is a companion thread, for anyone who wants or needs it, to share the bits of your life about which you are happy. The things that are going right, the pleasant surprises, the little victories, the big victories, the contentments and joys.
It's strange how we are often discouraged from sharing the best parts of our lives, through fears about boasting or showing off, as much as we are from sharing the worst parts.
But sharing the good bits are important, too.
And, you know, I thought many of us might need a place to talk about good things and a place to express gratitude today.
This is a non-competitive space. It's not about keeping up with Joneses, or doing better by comparison to someone else. It's just about acknowledging the things that we do have, with the recognition that not everyone is so fortunate.
I'll go first: I am happy and grateful to be loved and known by my friends and my husband.
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