[Content Note: Misogyny; transphobia.]
"Some of this problem in which we find ourselves today started with the feminist rebellion. That's not to say patriarchalism is the thing, that's not to say traditions and men mistreating women and women getting less pay for the same work, I'm not condoning any of that. ...There is, whether you like it or not, a divine hierarchy in marriage. Wives must submit to their husbands; that will bring harmony."—Dr. Ashley E. Ray, senior pastor of Ridgeway Baptist Church of Memphis, offering some stellar incoherence on how patriarchy will solve the problem of misogyny. Or something.
I mean, does this guy imagine that it's someone other than feminists and womanists of the "feminist rebellion" who have led the way on equal pay and eradicating gendered violence?
Because whoooooooooops!
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