Trump Supporters Are Terrifying
[Content Note: Islamophobia; racism; descriptions of violence against President Obama.]
This piece by Dave Weigel for the Washington Post is just incredible: "Attacks on Trump just make these voters like him more." I honestly don't even know what to say. There's no way to change the minds of people who don't want to know the truth, who pick the "facts" they like and refuse to hear anything that contradicts them, whose views become more intractable the more they are challenged with evidence to the contrary.
Almost nothing terrifies me more than a combination of resistance to truth and a lack of empathy. People who exist in a space where they create their own realities to justify bigotry and scapegoating are very, very dangerous. Give them a charismatic political leader around whom to rally, and that becomes a movement that should frighten anyone who knows anything about history at all.
This piece by Dave Weigel for the Washington Post is just incredible: "Attacks on Trump just make these voters like him more." I honestly don't even know what to say. There's no way to change the minds of people who don't want to know the truth, who pick the "facts" they like and refuse to hear anything that contradicts them, whose views become more intractable the more they are challenged with evidence to the contrary.
Almost nothing terrifies me more than a combination of resistance to truth and a lack of empathy. People who exist in a space where they create their own realities to justify bigotry and scapegoating are very, very dangerous. Give them a charismatic political leader around whom to rally, and that becomes a movement that should frighten anyone who knows anything about history at all.
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