Earlier today, President Obama gave an address at the National Counterterrorism Center in which he stated that there is no known "specific and credible" terrorist threat facing the US at the moment.
And he urged people not to give into fear:
"When Americans stand together, nothing can beat us," Obama said. "We cannot give in to fear or change how we live our lives because that's what terrorists want, that's the only leverage they have."Obviously, he didn't say it, but I have to imagine he was thinking: "There is no specific and credible threat...except the Republican candidates, who can't stop fearmongering like a bunch of dribblepiss cowards."
..."My highest priority is the security of the American people," Obama said. "We will not be terrorized. We have prevailed over much greater threats than this. We will prevail. Again."
That's sure what I'm thinking, anyway.
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