
Second-generation Republican presidential loser Rand Paul, who has been relegated to the undercard debate because his poll numbers are swirling in the bottom of the bowl, is pretty pissed that he won't be on the main stage at the next debate:
"To be artificially designated in some kind of lower, second tier sends a signal to the voter that you're not the same and don't have a chance," he said during an interview with ABC News Radio.
Someone please explain democracy to Rand Paul. And math.

He wasn't done bitterly complaining, though!
Paul said his supporters agreed that the mainstream media had helped keep his campaign from gathering momentum, and the Kentucky senator said "99 percent" of his backers would like to extend their middle finger to the media.
And 100% of him wanted to do the same!

image of Rand Paul extending his middle finger at the dude interviewing him
[Photo via.]

He seems nice.

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