Tonight is President Obama's final State of the Union address (sob!), which will be aired on all the major networks and cable news channels in the US. There are also a bunch of places you'll be able to watch it online, including, C-SPAN, and NPR, who will also be broadcasting it on the radio.
As it's the last SOTU he will give (sob!), and thus won't be detailing a future policy agenda, he'll spend some time reflecting on what his administration has accomplished, as well as what he hopes for the nation's future.
Am I going to watch it live? Maybe! Am I going to live-tweet it? Maybe!
Irrespective of my SOTU decision-making, here is a space for discussion about the address, before and during. Spoiler Alert: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will scowl a lot behind the president, and Vice President Joe Biden will point and wink at people.
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