State of the Union Address

Tonight is President Obama's final State of the Union address (sob!), which will be aired on all the major networks and cable news channels in the US. There are also a bunch of places you'll be able to watch it online, including, C-SPAN, and NPR, who will also be broadcasting it on the radio.

As it's the last SOTU he will give (sob!), and thus won't be detailing a future policy agenda, he'll spend some time reflecting on what his administration has accomplished, as well as what he hopes for the nation's future.

Am I going to watch it live? Maybe! Am I going to live-tweet it? Maybe!

Irrespective of my SOTU decision-making, here is a space for discussion about the address, before and during. Spoiler Alert: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will scowl a lot behind the president, and Vice President Joe Biden will point and wink at people.

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