Jeb Bush's Campaign Is So Depressing

It's not like I want Jeb Bush to do well. Like every Republican candidate, I want him to fail miserably because he's the worst and his policies are garbage.

But he's such a tremendous wreck at campaigning, that I'm overwhelmed with vicarious embarrassment every time I see him.

Exhibit A:

Video Description: Jeb Bush stands in the middle of a room of white people in New Hampshire. There is a huge sign behind him reading: "Trusted leadership for a stronger America."

He paces around as he speaks: "So here's my pledge to you: I will be a commander-in-chief that will have the back of the military. I won't trash talk. I won't be a divider-in-chief or an agitator-in-chief. I won't be out there blow-hardin', talkin' a big game without backing it up. I think the next president needs to be a lot quieter, but send a signal that we're prepared to act in the national security interests of this country, to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world." Awkward pause. "Please clap."

The audience politely complies.

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