Zelly watching the primary returns with me last night, at some ungodly hour.
As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.
Everyone has already said it so much better than I'm able, but thank you, Liss, for a great many things. Your blog has helped me grow and learn so much. I'm the person I am today in large part...
Melissa, thank you for carving out such an immense space to echo with smarts and warmth and learning and being. If a raised eyebrow could echo, it echoed here. :-) I hope that joy abounds for you,...
Hi Liss! I just found out about this thirty minutes ago. Do what you need to do. I'm saddened but not surprised - and the lack of surprise adds to the sadness - and my anger at your tormentors. The...
I'm sorry to see Shakesville go. Although it's been a while since I was a regular reader and commenter (mostly because it got too much for my mental health), I met some very good friends here, and...
So many have said it all so beautifully, just as you have always done. But I do want to say thank you for your wonderful spirit, your agile mind, your elegant writing, your generosity of momentum....
I will very much miss this space. I moved away from being a regular commenter not because of your work (so great!), but because the current administration just made it feel so heavy all the time. I...
I'm late to the news, but don't want to miss thanking you for your years of hard work. I will miss seeing you, but will revel in knowing you are living a good life.
Thank you for all the work you have done. You have been an inspiration for so many of us. On a personal level, you taught me so much about establishing boundaries, and gave me the courage to insist...
Sorry about all the bullying and that your health has suffered. Wishing you all the best. Will miss your insights. Thank you.
So, so glad I found this post in time to make a comment. Liss, there are so many eloquent thanks expressed in the comments here, and I echo them whole-heartedly. You and I are about the same age,...
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