Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says he's giving up "anxiety" for Lent:
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) released a video this morning detailing what he gave up for Lent, the Christian season around Easter where people sacrifice certain luxuries from their lives as a form of penitence for 40 days. His rather obtuse choice this year? Anxiety.I've had to navigate severe anxiety for years, and I can't even begin to put into words how angry this bullshit makes me, so please accept this artist's rendering of MY FACE RIGHT NOW.
"I used to give up beer, or ice cream, or pop," he said in the video. "But I've given up so many things over the years, food-wise, that I've decided to switch my Lenten vows to character deficiencies or problems I've had."
Here's a wakeup call to Ryan and anyone else who still thinks so narrow-mindedly: Anxiety is not a "character deficiency."

Anyway. I would like to give up anxiety permanently, so I hope Paul Ryan will help me achieve this goal by immediately resigning along with every one of his Republican colleagues across the entire nation.
I don't think that will cure my chronic anxiety, but it would be a HUGE help.
[H/T to Shaker KatherineSpins.]
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