Are you a good sleeper, or a restless sleeper? Do you fall asleep easily, or struggle to fall asleep?
I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Much to Iain's amazement, I once grabbed a quick nap at a Flaming Lips show, when the second act didn't interest me, and I wanted to be wide awake for the main event.
This was not always the case: For years, I had terrible insomnia. I could go days at a time without sleeping. I got a lot done, but everything was a struggle because I was constantly tired.
Being able to rest is a significant improvement.
Now, anytime I want to sleep, I just get comfy and start counting backwards from 99. I rarely make it to the 80s before I'm out like a light.
I wish I could say, for those who aren't good sleepers and would love to be, what I did that worked. But the truth is, my insomnia came on very suddenly and went away again the same way, seemingly without explanation.
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