That's Dudley, standing over his breakfast with pumpkin smeared on his nose, letting me know he's done and wants his treat. (It's not really a "treat" but a tooth-cleaning chew, but he thinks it's a treat, so life is wonderful.) I pointed at his bowl and told him to "finish brekkies if you want your treat," and he quickly ducked his head back down and went to work. He is sooooo hilarious!
(Btw, if you've got a dog with a "soft serve" problem, ahem, mixing a little canned pumpkin with their dry food is helpful, since pumpkin is a great source of fiber. Just make sure it's the plain pumpkin and not the sweetened and spiced pie mix!)
As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.
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